As I peruse web site galleries and learn more about html5 and css3, I’m amazed at how certain design elements are back in style. Background images have been stylish for a while. Fixed navigation a la frames are back (wireframes magazine, simplebits, envato). And now that css3 allows rounded corners on buttons and divs, it appears that in order to showcase this new feature, sites need to use them ad nauseum (envato again, daniel, django stars, easytasker, futuretap – quick google search to find these…it wasn’t hard. they are everywhere.). I suppose it doesn’t help that the iPhone has rounded edges and all the apps have rounded edges…
I’m not the best designer in the world but I was designing with rounded buttons and rounded divs since the year 1999 (seriously, no Prince reference intended). How about we up the ante and show the world something they haven’t already seen?