m + j = us (+ anna banana)
m roasts coffee at home because j loves coffee
j tries to drink more tea because m loves tea
m bought j a nikon d80
j adores her new camera almost as much as she adores m
j bought m flip flop socks
j is thoughtful but cheap
4 feb 10: m buys j grey ink at flax. ~~~ 11 feb 10: j buys airport mania for m @ target for $1. just another example of thoughtful but cheap.
dec 10: j buys m a saucepan for $19.95 in keeping with gifts under $20. m shows up j by buying a scarf for $5.
j wishes she had an expansive vocabulary and an impressive encyclopedic knowledge of world history. m wishes people could just say “thank you.”
m thinks life is too short not to tell the people you love that you love them. j thinks life is too short not to use pens and paper that you like. we are perfect for each other…
we both have a mutual love of pomegranates and ee cummings.