J: “Oooh, look, they [cops] are waiting for someone to illegally turn on red…
(Takes a beat.)
It’s really perverse the things I find funny (cackles uncontrollably).”
J: “Oooh, look, they [cops] are waiting for someone to illegally turn on red…
(Takes a beat.)
It’s really perverse the things I find funny (cackles uncontrollably).”
J: “Ugh, I am stuffed. I never want to eat again…are we buying pastries for the train?”
j: (inhales sharply) “Google is shutting down Google plus!”
m: (inhales sharply) “Really?!?” (pauses) “What’s Google plus?”
j: “it’s somewhere in the tupperware box of my knick-knacks…but they’re not really knick-knacks.”
m: “are they paddy-whacks?”
and then we busted ourselves up.
m: “what’s a dude ranch anyway? is it like brokeback mountain?”
m: “i wonder if pulling out your white hair makes you have more white hair…”
people are a**holes everywhere – might as well enjoy the weather.
j: “i don’t talk to anyone all day so by the time i see you it’s like verbal diarrhea.”
m: “i like it. i’ll be your commode.”
m: “i don’t think i work that much…”
j: “yes, well, denial is 99% of everything.”
meteorologists were predicting bad storms this week and downpours yesterday. they were *way* off. it was gorgeous yesterday as we drank siphon coffee and surveyed the basketball court by our gym and drank more coffee and watched the world from la monarca’s window and finally walked down the promenade after a rich dinner at fraiche.
m says: “you know what a horrific storm is in los angeles…somebody farts and they think it’s thunder.”