Category Archives: bookmark

online web copy

Web Design Ledger’s Setting Up Readable Online Web Copy using CSS

i got into web development because i wanted to produce and highlight web writing (and i thought it would be a useful skill i could apply in any career, if nothing else). it was my way of being in publishing and working with words while also dabbling with graphic design and programming. that last part i didn’t know until after i was deeply entrenched in web development, but it turns out that this is a good area for me. i’m putting the finishing touches on my pro bono web site project and am giving myself a pat on the back for having learned all of the tips listed in the article above so that by the time i read the article i could say: “awesome! i already do that!”

playing with your food

i couldn’t decide if i should save this photo and recipe to my new bookmarking site or put it here, but i simply couldn’t resist, so here it is. this is something we would do. i hope this link never disappears. if you can’t see the photo below, then the page has disappeared…

rubiks cake

brilliant or stupid?

curriculum vitaes on web design ledger

way back in the day when i first went to look for a web design job, i put it together in quark and implemented gill sans (it wasn’t that popular back then, believe it or not) on cream-colored 60lb paper. i added a few horizontal rules along the top- and right-hand sides and thought it looked like just the right amount of “not done in word.”

i don’t love most of these examples, but they are food for thought. what would my resume look like now? would i use a visual metaphor? would it contain photos? would i mention that i can’t be found on facebook? would i print it on some funky paper? how would i design my online CV?

bookmark: siff

saw this on under the “ads” section: brazil flag. and others. you’ll just have to go check it out for yourself to see the other ones. not every flag is on the site, so i went to the siff site and found this and this. i love it because it’s food photography and brilliant design.

(in case either of these web sites go away, here’s the brazil flag again as a screenshot: