Category Archives: icme

icme: environmentally unsound

is a car bumper recyclable?

11 feb 11 @ 9.42 am

why, coda? why do you make electric cars that are good for the environment and then toss a car bumper in the recycle bin? seems counterintuitive… or maybe i’m missing something? does a bumper fall into the 5 category with butter containers? perhaps the 7 category of “other” is more appropriate?

because i’m such a geek, here’s what all those plastic numbers mean. it may very well be a 7.

icme: shavings

this is so not my style: sharpening pencils on the kitchen table. making a mess. i didn’t even do this kind of thing when i was a kid (i suppose that explains a lot…). but, in a rare spontaneous moment, i managed to make a mess:
