power outage

the power just went out. completely out. fortunately, i am on my way out the door so i’m not too worried. i don’t have to sit in the cold apartment trying not to open the refrigerator door. i’ll be back tonight and everything will be fine. not! i returned at 17.30 to find there was still no power and now i had a shivering, scared doggie meeting me at the door wondering why the christmas tree lights aren’t on and why would i abandon her like that? i gathered all the candles i own and retrieved our trusty oversized maglite flashlight from the car and went about trying to figure out how to do the things i normally do. and then i realized: OMG. my starter is in the fridge along with all of our homemade chicken, veggie, and fish stock. and there’s the pork shoulder from oregon, and…the list goes on and on. immediately, i call the only people i know who live close, and, as an added bonus, never keep anything in their fridge: kl + mc. i rush all of our important foodstuffs over to their house. aaaaahhhh, crisis averted…and then, an hour later, i proceeded to step in dog doo (not my own dog’s) because all the streetlamps were out on the block. grrrrrr arrrggghhhh…