
i can’t remember why, but i went in search of french press brewing instructions last month and found an always reliable source of information: sweet maria’s. (i just got distracted and purchased 20 lbs of green beans…)

(i’m back…) tom at sweet maria’s gently swirls his press pot after about a minute of steeping. i tried this as i was getting tired of wet bamboo chopsticks and harsh steel spoons as stirring implements. i discovered a whole new world of french press coffee: [1] the swirl makes the grounds sink, thus making it easier to press (*much* easier – amazingly easier – (did i mention it was easier?)) [2] there is less sludge in the bottom of my cup [3] there are fewer stirring implements to wash and worry about. who knew? best to leave the chopsticks to the asian food and the long spoons to the simple syrup mocktails.