i love me some taste tests


blackboard eats offered us the chance to try a new coffee puveyor called crop to cup. we ordered two different kinds of ugandan coffee, both roasted and unroasted. today, thanks to the beauty of an easy saturday morning, we were finally able to compare the two.

no, silly, we didn’t drink the unroasted beans…i had roasted them in the behmor about a week ago on P2. 48 hrs post-roast would’ve been the optimal consumption window, but our twenty-first century lives got in the way.

ultimately, my roast was smoother but also flatter. it wasn’t overroasted, but lacked some of the notes of the preroasted bean. my roast was definitely darker, although not by much. it lacked the preroasted earthiness and funk. neither coffee was m’s “cup of tea,” but it’s always fun to do a taste test and try out new coffees, especially since i can’t remember the last time i had unroasted ugandan from 1000 cups and i didn’t have preroasted ugandan to directly compare.