we recently discovered passionfruit chobani. it is my favorite flavor with or without mixing the fruit on the bottom. chobani is on sale at albertsons so we stocked up on, oh, about 20 containers of varying flavors so we could perform, wait for it, a taste test. (you know i love me a taste test. and a colored pen for taking taste test notes. and a special notebook just for taking notes on the aforementioned taste test. i’m so predictable.)
anyway, we tried apple cinnamon 0% fat on the way home from costco. it tasted like farmer’s cheese. i haven’t decided if that’s from the 0% or the apple cinnamon. i did enjoy it and liked the chunky apple. the farmer’s cheese flavor wasn’t a turn-off, just a little weird. tonight, i unwrapped the blood orange 0% and it almost tastes like orange cough syrup but the “no cough syrup aftertaste” saves it in my book. also, it doesn’t have the farmer’s cheese flavor so that could still be an apple cinnamon thing or just a fluke.
but nothin’ has knocked passionfruit off its pedestal yet. to be continued…