if i twittered…

if i twittered, i would tell you that [1] i just posted pics of baby G in this blogosphere [2] we are the proud new owners of a rice cooker [3] we have waygu beef in the fridge [4] we also have mangosteen in the fridge (SG had been looking for it forever, but says its plentiful in NY, so he’s not jealous of us at all…darn) [5] i have had the croissants at cafe tazzina (across wilshire) and cafe zella – the ones at cafe zella are not only cheaper but are also flakier…mmm…butter. for a while, i thought i was lactose intolerant. good to know that i’m not.

JEA was here last week. we ate at samosa house and had the happy vegan at tender greens. sadness: the raita @ samosa house resembled a coleslaw rather than indian goodness (unless indians are known for their coleslaw) and the tabbouleh at tender greens had also changed – not bad but not the same and not as good, imho. on wednesday, m found sungold tomatoes for me at the SM farmers market. tomato-y goodness. this is probably the second time i’ve had them in LA since moving back, but the first time was just orange cherry tomatoes disguised and pretending to be sungolds. after tasting them, i was no fool to their duplicity. these recently discovered sungolds were the real deal and i devoured them without sharing them with m.

the real highlight of her visit, besides enjoying her company, was tuesday evening @ the hollywood bowl. we saw yo-yo ma perform dvorak with the la phil conducted by placido domingo. after dvorak but before tchaikovsky, yo-yo ma performed an impromptu cello solo (asian-inspired music – did he compose this himself?) and then accompanied placido domingo out onto the stage and they performed together. i had goosebumps. our tix were only $15 and they were pretty high up, but they certainly weren’t bad seats and i was very glad i witnessed that amazing musical treat. and my fellow concertgoers weren’t stoned from smoking pot. that was a plus.

One thought on “if i twittered…

  1. j

    in the comments of the la times article: “Both encores are mentioned in the last paragraph of Mr. Swed review above: first, a traditional Mongolian tune (according to at least one knowledgeable source, it is called “Summer in the High Grassland”) played by Yo-Yo alone, and then, Elegy by Jules Massenet in which he was joined by Placido.”

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