i found someone who bakes bread!

and apparently she refers to herself in the third person…

before i display the photo, i must warn that these are the ugliest rolls i’ve ever made (i’ve only made rolls twice so my rolls are ugly 50% of the time), but their redeeming quality is in their crispy crust. and the fact that i completely jacked the dough before i baked them but they still turned out ok (so much for that consistency goal):

  1. this dough was very wet – maybe i mismeasured the poolish
  2. at the last minute i decided to make rolls since there’s no way this dough would stay shaped – too wet
  3. i mismeasured the first row so i added bits of wet dough to each one (in varying, non-measured, eyeballed amounts)
  4. i mismeasured the second row so i had to remove bits of wet dough from each one (in varying, non-measured, eyeballed amounts)
  5. i let it proof too long – didn’t seem to harm it any
  6. i baked it for 40 minutes (i think) because 20 minutes just didn’t seem like enough and i don’t even know if i had the amount called for in the recipe (see #1)
  7. fresh baked bread needs to sit and dry out before eating (much like resting meat) – i absolutely did not do this. i ripped open a bunch of rolls and slathered jam all over them.

they are ugly but they are crispy in a way my loaves rarely are. and my stomach doesn’t care what they look like.

ciabatta rolls

ugly. crispy. tasty. homemade rolls with homemade jam!