ooh la la. is all i have to say.
- (l to r): chicken liver mousse w/ balsamic figs, pheasant rillette, smoked bacon, lamb tongue (#3 fave) w/ pine nut butter, quince jam
- w/ dashi broth and poached egg (m’s favorite)
- w/ braised lamb, ricotta
- w/ pistachio powder (#1 fave – too bad the chef rotates his menu)
- w/ smoked marshmallow, chocolate pudding, toffee graham cracker
- w/ smoked bacon and gorgonzola
- w/ thai bbq sauce and chiles. definitely free range – i can tell by the way the meat clung to the bone. so tender. also undercooked but i ate it anyway. :P (tied for #4 fave)
- w/ uni, crab, etc. (#2 fave)
- w/ cucumber and radish salad and green goddess (?) dressing (tied for #4 fave)