clam chowder…take 2

this time m bought cockles from costco and we used a weird uncured bacon from whole foods (never again). this version was tasty but not as tasty as the first. sometimes the first is always the best. i also thought the potato chunks were too large this time, but that’s just my opinion – it doesn’t really change the flavor of the chowder. the bacon and the cockles definitely affect the flavor. i liked the cockles. they were cute and small and easy to clean and shuck. we just bought too many of them. this second chowder was definitely…how can i put this?…richer? seafoodier? clammier? i’d buy cockles again, but probably not 7 lbs of them. below is my first stab at incorporating video. i love the gurgling sounds the cockles make…i just can’t think about throwing them into boiling hot water. makes me want to become a vegetarian.

(ok, so embedding the video is gonna need some work…here’s the link instead):
gurgling cockles

disclaimer: i am not a movie maker. i most certainly won’t become rich and famous shooting video on my little canon p+s.