bread bread bread

today was characterized by bread. i woke up and started 2 loaves, a small one and a large one. i decided to try the kitchenaid mixer to do the heavy lifting. after a 30 minute autolyse, i put the large dough into the mixing bowl and on speed level 2, spun it around for 5 minutes, stopping twice to pull the dough off the hook. i did the same with the small loaf. the small loaf seemed to behave differently: it was very stringy, like gluten stringy (?), like cobweb stringy almost. after kneading, i covered them as usual and left them out at room temperature. i folded both of them again at 10am. i wasn’t able to get to them again until 120 (we got home late from superba food + bread). i gave each of them a quick set of 30 folds and popped them into the fridge. they were soft, bubbly and relatively smooth; the smaller one was smoother than the larger one. i may have to try using the mixer for 5 turns every 30 minutes or kneading at once longer or hand folding a bit more often – so many methods to try.