
ember mug

M bought me an Ember mug—one of those things I saw on a crowdfunding site and thought it was brilliant but wondered if it would ever be successful. Turns out it is and this is the 14 oz second edition. No, the battery doesn’t last very long but that doesn’t matter to me. I am almost always using it with the coaster. If I don’t need a coaster and I’m not at home, then that is what the Zojirushi is for. Today, I made AeroPress coffee using overroasted beans from March (using them up, made too much French press yesterday, tummy upset) and heated homemade almond milk in the Silvia. I added a ton of sucanat and my cup this morning was much more tolerable.

And now that I am roasting again, I am cleaning the Rocky and Silvia today so I can make espresso with those overroast mistakes (like yesterday’s decaf (*sigh*)).