Author Archives: j


i’ve been up for over two hours already and i even took time to make and eat breakfast. but my neighbors probably don’t appreciate my compulsion to mow at 830 on a sunday morning (whining petulantly: but it’s a blade mower!)… this is a sleepy little ‘hood on the weekends.

steal like an artist

…is what i’m reading (on my phone). this perfectly sums up what i’ve always said and felt about putting things (anything) down on paper: “(Unlike a hard drive, paper doesn’t crash.)”



making soup for the first time in the house. also, roasted a phenom chicken tonight. salt, salt, salt. we ate *all* the gravy. num num!

breakfast for dinner


m wanted to try pillsbury grands flaky buttermilk biscuits because she has never had them. i am crying because we could have the cook’s illustrated drop biscuits instead…

it’s like trying a hostess snowball instead of a homemade macaron. some things just don’t need to be tried – but then again, i’ve had these (fake) biscuits many times.


despite a front window which became temperamental today and can no longer be used, i have been continually reminded of why we wanted to have a house and the ways the house makes our life better… i am sitting here in the garage (which happens to get the full wifi signal – i soooooo see a desk in my future) as the sun and the ocean breeze stream through the open doors and windows. earlier i was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying the cross draft. i have roasted one batch of coffee and am on another. i go out into the yard and shake both the green bean dust and the roasted chaff from the roasting cage. i discard the roasted chaff from the roaster into our compost bin. m and i just played a short round of catch in our backyard. i spent yesterday in the back chopping up dead branches and clearing our back area (again). later, i didn’t feel guilty for lazing on the couch and watching law & order: svu (the somewhat sore muscles also helped with justifying the lazing).

yeah, the trees need trimming and the grass needs watering and the windows and gutters need some love, but ever since moving in, i have been living it up in the sun and fresh air and i remember why i wanted a house in the first place.

joe’s a third time

took advantage of joe’s $19 prix fixe lunch with kl and ml. again, now for a third time, joe’s knocked it out of the park.

for the first time, we sat in the main dining room and our position in the front corner flanked by 2 windows allowed perfect light for food photos.