Author Archives: j


centanni panini

2nd stab at centanni panini: this time prosciutto, arugula (lots and lots of arugula!), and sliced mozzarella. eating outside in the sun, looking at our green grassy yard and sad looking tree.

big weekend project #1

now that we own a house, i’m sure this is just the first of many weekend projects that we will undertake. i present to you our garage with its symbiotic tree that is growing through the gutters and roof (circa 2008):

garage and tree

here is the garage and tree again (circa 2013):

garage tree

here is the tree looking like an apple core (circa 13 april 2013 @ 530pm). please note the gas-free reel lawn mower, the steel rake, and the awesome costco ladder all recently purchased for this task. ok, ok, the lawn mower was actually purchased for the 6-inch grass that we needed to cut this weekend. there was lots of cutting this weekend – i’ll still be cutting in my sleep, i think. my muscles can’t remember anything else at the current moment.

tree trimming in progress

here is the tree finally trimmed (circa 13 april 2013 @ 730pm). please note the mud on the roof that accumulated from the tree and the gutter that sags but still works (sort of). personally, i really like the paint job (or lack thereof). the multiple incomplete paint layers are *awesome*.

trimmed tree

what happened to the tree?!? this is what happened to the tree (sorry for the dark photo – it’s not daylight savings time yet and after chopping for 7 hours, i just didn’t have any more energy to optimize this photo:

chopped tree

but before you get all sad thinking that the tree has been destroyed (i don’t think it has, but i’m no tree expert), please be assured that we are eco-friendly and plan to turn our tree into the “brown” that is necessary in a compost pile. as m is fond of saying: “where’s our wood chipper?” i guess we’re buying a wood chipper. i hope the tree grows back…otherwise what are we going to use the wood chipper for?

original packaging


when i was a small (even smaller) child, i had a collection of strawberry shortcake dolls. i am continually teased to this very day for how i kept the dolls in their original boxes complete with original twist ties that i would use to reattach each doll to each aforementioned original box. it’s good to know things haven’t changed…