j: “you always have the snappy comeback. i wish i could be more like you. i want to have the snappy comeback.”
m: “well, i could write them down for you. you could think about it and then we could have the conversation again.”
j: “you always have the snappy comeback. i wish i could be more like you. i want to have the snappy comeback.”
m: “well, i could write them down for you. you could think about it and then we could have the conversation again.”
google maps estimated the trip at 4.5 miles but my cyclocomputer indicaed otherwise:
outward journey to marina del rey:
7.28 miles
43.25 minutes
9.9 mph avg spd
return journey:
7.25 miles
45.35 minutes
9.4 mph avg spd (wind and fatigue played primary roles)
not exactly the smartest trip to take without training for it a bit, but it turned out ok.
i can’t remember what brought me to rachael yamagata’s web site a few weeks ago, but somehow i got there and i discovered she’s touring. not just touring. she’s touring in los angeles. at an intimate venue in hollywood called hotel cafe. and she opened up a 1030 late show to accommodate more fans. we snatched up the late show tickets as quickly as possible.
her concert was last night, and (here i have to give myself props…) thanks to my paranoid, obsessive personality, i made m and lcr get to the venue early so we weren’t stuck standing in the back with me surrounded by 6-foot tall people and getting elbowed in the eyes. i was able to secure 2 chairs at the very front of the stage. OMG. it was awesome! i stood for 3 hours but didn’t even mind. we stood right next to the bass speaker but didn’t even mind. she was a bit drunk, very very funny, and awesome in person. the raspy voice, her sense of humor, the awesome piano and emo music. the show ended at 1 sharp; we stayed up until 3am listening to music and talking even though we all had commitments in the morning.
i only took a handful of photos because i’m a chickens**t, but thankfully my appreciation and enjoyment of the concert didn’t rest on how many pictures i took. i woke up giddy despite only getting 3.5 hours of sleep and having a headache and burping up garlic wings from last night’s dinner.
my friend, mir, had a wife who liked (wanted to be?) ninjas. she had an origami ninja hanging from the fan chain in their kitchen. i liked the fact that she was secretly obsessed with ninjas. they are cool: the secret identity, the black comfy clothing, the physical fitness and skill at both offense and defense, the razor sharp stars, the sword. i’d be a ninja, if it wasn’t for all that killing business.
ninjas are so cute. what’s not to love?
yesterday, while eating breakfast (see below), we watched megamind. i love me a witty, intelligent animated movie, but i really just wanted to watch it because it has tina fey as the voice of roxanne. i love witty, intelligent women and would vote tina fey for president if given the opportunity. i digress… megamind made me chuckle heartily and i have decided to start saying things like “spee-ider,” “revahnge,” and “ollo.” “ollo” is my favorite.
looking for places to escape to these days. preferably somewhere outside, wifi not necessary, squatting encouraged. my list so far:
there have been lots of new toys recently, but that is usually what happens when we endure a crisis. i never believed in retail therapy, but it seems that i am now able to practice it without a second thought. scary. and even posthumously, anna is my favorite model and the one i most enjoyed photographing.
my printing still needs a little work but so far the quality is *amazing*. we also got it for 60% off – bonus!
it’s quite a monstrous device…eee gad.
m said, and i quote: “i don’t think of anna as gone. i just think of her as invisible.”
driving to pasadena in 49 degree weather, i met a hail storm. awesome! it was like getting pelted with candy!
the above photo shows what is called a liège waffle. you can find them at the west la farmers market on sunday. i am a pancake person myself and will also probably order french toast before i will order waffles but these little delectables have totally changed the game for me. how can you argue with warm dough perforated with carmelized chunks of sugar? you can’t. don’t even try. just go the market and get you some. i ate three yesterday and was still considering another at day’s end.