Author Archives: j

tweet habit

i purposely drove in the middle lane of wilshire today so that i wouldn’t turn onto gayley. it actually felt weird to pull up to the traffic light at westwood. gayley is the new 405.


posted by our friend “rogue” on facebook: “OK SO Charlie Sheen can make a “porn family”, Kelsey Grammer can end a 15 year marriage over the phone, Larry King & Liz Taylor can be on divorce 9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, whilst married, were having sex with EVERYONE. Yet, same-sex marriage will destroy the institution of marriage? Really?

Tweet sunlight

I just left the house at 1830 and the sun was still above the horizon. Daylight savings time took me by surprise this year. I knew the sun had started setting later and my mood got better about 2 weeks ago, but sunlight at 1830 in march?!? What will the summer equinox be like?

Bike log: day 6

This post should actually be titled “from hip to heart.” now that i’m a bit more confident and comfortable on my bike, i’ve decided i should push myself a bit harder. You know, burning legs, heart throbbing, heavy breathing, sweating. I’m still talking about biking, what were you thinking about? Today, I biked 8.61 miles for 41.5 minutes and maintained an average speed of 12.3 mph. Then i came home and did my strength exercises. Tomorrow will tell me how i feel. Btw, i mistook my gearing in a previous post. I wasn’t in the third easiest gear. I was in the third easiest gear with the chain on the smallest front cog. I have never quite understood gearing (granted, i’ve never really taken the time to understand it), but i can assure you, this is about middle of the road for difficulty. Not that it really matters, my body went the speed it wanted to; it just so happens it was harder than i thought. Last but not least, i wore my new helmet liner on my ride today coupled with a long-sleeve jersey and bike shorts. I was a bit hot in the sun and a bit chilly in the shade/ wind but the liner was perfect. My ears stayed warm and i think it kept me from getting too cold. Remind me not to give these away the next time we move…

tweet goodness

i just inhaled an amandine choux pastry so quickly that i didn’t truly appreciate its greatness. all that cream. not too sweet. the little vanilla bean dots flecked throughout that pale yellow creamy goodness. but no worries. there’s another one in the fridge. even after sitting outside in the sun all morning at will rogers state park, they are delicious.


Today the price of gas is $3.859 at costco. According to my GPS, it cost me $1.50 to get home and another $1.50 to drive to westwood. Interestingly, i was stopped for 1/4 of the time it took me to drive from costco to home. The drive to westwood slowed me down so much that i averaged being stopped for one-third of the time. Looks like it would be better to drive to costco every day than to westwood even though the trip is 1.2 miles longer.

Tweet rant

People! When you park a shopping cart in a space designated for a car, you decrease the number of cars that can park at costco. Not to mention, it’s just plain rude and disrespectful. The world revolves around me, too! Sheesh…

bike log: day 3a and 3b

yesterday, m and i headed out on a bike ride together. no rain this time. sadly, we didn’t have our warm fuzzy helmet liners yet so we had ears that weren’t warm and fuzzy (we have them now! let’s go biking!). despite this, we biked a lovely loop to 6th street and back, circling once at 6th street to make sure someone was safe in their car. trip: 20.23 minutes / 7 mph average speed / 2.47 miles

today, i not only biked my loop but i also ran some errands. i picked up some fish from the market and quarters from the bank. just like old times. as you can see from my trip, i biked a bit faster and went a bit farther, even with walking my bike to cross the street a couple of times. trip: 32.51 minutes / 9.3 mph average speed / 5.10 miles