i was so sleepy this morning, i fell asleep reading flipboard while waiting for m to get ready for work. i swore i’d go back to bed. as i was driving home, i saw a biker and thought to myself: i want to go biking today, but i’m soooo tired. i usually talk myself out of doing lots of things by tackling my to-do list and telling myself these things HAD to be done or ELSE.
in typical fashion, i did not go back to bed and i did indeed start tackling my to do list. i watered plants, upgraded the blog, wrote a check for ani difranco tickets, and then mustered up the courage to go into battle with my new printer. there was no battle to be had as we quickly called a truce and we both came out winners. i am now an all-in-one studio: photographer, developer, printer.
and then it was time to go biking and i prepped myself without a further thought. i had had a very successful morning and was not about to talk myself out of a sunny, 75 degree bike ride. my a** complained a bit and my knee complained a lot but that was mostly because a refrigerator slammed into it this morning. i won’t blame it for being grumpy. or discolored.
outbound: 7.33 miles / 41.55 minutes / 10.4 avg mph
return: 7.30 miles / 43.24 minutes / 10.1 avg mph
about 100 yards from my destination, i realized i had my bike lock, but no key. arrrrrgggghhhh!!!!! think! think quickly! i scoped out the bike rack area and the back of the building but decided against all of those. i asked a fellow biker who was checking his phone if he was going to loiter in the parking lot for a bit longer. alas, he was not, but he suggested parking my bike just inside the door. he had done it before. ok, here goes, because i’m not about to turn around and bike home and come back (thus talking myself out of my original plan). i can improvise – really, i can. i wait patiently for a break in the foot traffic and park my bike and fess up to the front desk that i’ve done this thing that i’m not supposed to do (because that’s who i am and sometimes asking nicely will get you what you want). she was nice about it; i promised not to do it again; i kept checking on it like a crazy paranoid person; and in less than 5 minutes, i was on my way again, with my favorite bike in my possession. score!
however, in my haste to get my business done as inconspicuously as possible, i quickly put my bag on the floor, more specifically, i put it down on my camelbak mouthpiece. on the floor. are you comprehending the gravity of this situation??? dirt! and other even more malignant unseemly germs! i can’t think about it anymore…
i could abstain from drinking any water on the way home, but it’s warm outside. and i like water. so, i remove the mouthpiece, push water through the tube onto the mouthpiece, rub the mouthpiece on the inside of my shirt and repeat the same steps. but only once more because i’m not THAT much of a crazy person. and to make sure i didn’t talk myself out of hydrating on the way home, i looked long and hard at the newly rinsed mouthpiece and took a big gulp.