Category Archives: posts by j

left hand

i am right-handed and am certainly not ambidextrous but i do use my left hand for certain tasks where my right hand should be dominant:

  • i hold cards in my right hand and deal with my left.
  • i’m more likely to win arm wrestling with my left (but that could be because others’ havve weak left hands).
  • i can write legibly and reasonably quickly with my left hand (sprained my right wrist skiing in middle school and found out quickly how easily i could adapt to writing with my left).
  • i hold the steering wheel predominantly with my left hand.
  • i sift rice and fruit under running water with my left while holding the strainer/colander with my right.
  • although not a hand, i unclip my left foot preferentially from my bike pedals

salmon burgers

m quickly whipped up some dilly, mayo-y, shallot-y salmon burgers. it’s a fish weekend as we are also getting our seafood csa on sunday. these were very good (no photo) even if they did stink up the house. 

looking up



i spent a lovely morning drinking coffee, catching up on the news, and walking beverly drive while looking for architecture to photograph. i don’t even know why i looked up, but i’m glad i did. the only thing i should’ve done differently was experiment with the in-camera HDR/DRO to reclaim detail in the sky. next time…

good home

we gave kl and mh anna’s bed yesterday. it went to a good home. took me 3 years to part with it. i still miss her.
