Category Archives: photos

the future

RM keeps asking me what kind of lens i want. i’m not trying to be difficult, but i really don’t know. do i want the best? do i want the best for the genre i prefer? should i get lights instead? so many toys and so much $$$. which is why i become paralyzed by the sheer number of choices (as though i can’t just buy a lens for fun (what? did you just say “fun”?)). RM also keeps asking when she can refer me to other people. which frightens me a bit because i lack certain skills to make me really profitable/successful. (which is really a bunch of hooey, but a few more skills wouldn’t hurt.) i just enjoy taking photos. do i really need to turn it into a profession?

flash. take 2.

with my next favorite model. baby G. not only was i playing around with my new flash but my sexy assistant was manipulating my 5-in-1 reflector for me. i caught baby G by surprise:

how do i use flash?

i have always pooh-poohed flash. it’s too garish. it’s uncontrollable on my p+s. and, honestly, i just don’t know how to use it well. but instead of running away from what i don’t know and what i fear, i’ll spend some hard-earned moolah and see if i can be motivated to learn something new. instead of investing in expensive lenses, i’m now the new owner of a new nikon speedlight and a 5-in-1 reflector. let’s see just how far i can go with artifical/mixed light…

my first attempt with my favorite model…

anna - always a patient model

anna - always a patient model

come on, target…seriously?!?

target ad for tracy feith

this ad is everywhere in la and i have just one question for target: “is this the best that you, a multi-billion dollar corporation with both a humungous marketing budget and a history of excellent advertising campaigns, can do for a portrait photo?!?” does anyone else see the “merger” (the bridge in the background that cuts off her head…a shallower depth of field would have helped this situation. i mean, really, is the bridge really necessary to appreciate tracy feith’s fashion apparel?)?