Category Archives: wp 4 iPhone

wp 4 iPhone


I promised myself that I would finish my current journal by 31 Dec 2010. I counted the pages today to see how far behind I was (why the negative thoughts always?). Turns out I am *exactly* where I need to be. Right on schedule. To the exact page. I’m impressed, amazed, baffled, and creeped out all at once.


I just bore weight on my left leg – eek! Nothing happened, except I cursed my own name for being so thoughtless. I guess it’s a good sign of how I feel, but I’m going to have to watch myself. I need a babysitter (and a better memory) more than anything else.

1810 – 2323

…the amount of time we spent at melisse partaking in the 13 course carte blanche menu. absolutely splendid but way too much food. We ended up eating 13 courses and burped up 7. Will post menu and pix shortly… UPDATE: pix below. UPDATE: menu below also


I just couldn’t get comfortable last night. Tummy upset. Anxious. Leg twitchy. I kept m up all night. How awful! For some odd reason, I was awake + alert long before she was this morning. So I listened to some music and cuddled my bunny.