…is someone bringing you goodies from there (in this case, tokyo). flavors in order, from the top: vanilla ice, green tea, blueberry cheesecake, and raspberry.
Category Archives: wp 4 iPhone
i may not have the prettiest car on the block but that doesn’t keep me from having a tiny sense of pride and satisfaction when i get it cleaned.
beef fast
no, not “bfast.” no, not the opposite of beef slow, either. we haven’t eaten a lot of beef recently (and there was that incident) so i was tracking how many days i could avoid eating beef. i broke my beef fast at the counter. read on for further details of this beef fast…
sugar snap peas
different beast altogether
the bike path is so different on a wednesday morning…quiet. deserted. no dogs. no kids – at least until school is out.
halfway: 10.62 miles / 53.02 minutes / 12 mph avg spd
total: 21.22 miles / 1.45.28 hours / 12 mph avg spd
when i arrived at the west LA farmers’ market, my waffle/fry guy was still getting ready (40 minutes until liftoff!) and my tamale lady was busted by the health dept for tamales not hilled enough prior to serving. at least she was honest. so it’s a loca pupusa for me and waffles and fries in a short while.
after my pupusa, i tried to get waffles and fries but the fries were gonna be another 30 minutes and it turns out that my waffle was underdone. so much for getting to the market early for best selection. i can’t really fault the waffle guy…he has a new employee.
2.91 miles / 14.49 mins / 11.8 mph avg spd
2.89 miles / 14.47 mins / 11.8 mph avg spd
when i got home, i decided to bike to WF for the basil, tarragon, and cantaloupe i couldn’t find at the farmers market. it was a good excuse to use the new bike lane SM installed on california going east. turns out, the lane is only eastbound as the westbound direction is merely a “bike route.” weird, given that the ocean is westbound and more likely to be used by bicycles.
the round trip only took me 1.28 miles / 7.58 minutes @ an avg spd of 9.7 mph
the highlight of the day was realizing a bird pooped on my arm. i’m supposed to feel lucky, but all i could think was: “this is why people drive.”
emergency preparedness
overcast, again
i will bike every day until it’s sunny again…and then i will keep biking.
9.10 miles / 38.31 mins / 15.1 avg mph
we recently discovered passionfruit chobani. it is my favorite flavor with or without mixing the fruit on the bottom. chobani is on sale at albertsons so we stocked up on, oh, about 20 containers of varying flavors so we could perform, wait for it, a taste test. (you know i love me a taste test. and a colored pen for taking taste test notes. and a special notebook just for taking notes on the aforementioned taste test. i’m so predictable.)
anyway, we tried apple cinnamon 0% fat on the way home from costco. it tasted like farmer’s cheese. i haven’t decided if that’s from the 0% or the apple cinnamon. i did enjoy it and liked the chunky apple. the farmer’s cheese flavor wasn’t a turn-off, just a little weird. tonight, i unwrapped the blood orange 0% and it almost tastes like orange cough syrup but the “no cough syrup aftertaste” saves it in my book. also, it doesn’t have the farmer’s cheese flavor so that could still be an apple cinnamon thing or just a fluke.
but nothin’ has knocked passionfruit off its pedestal yet. to be continued…
eating a turkey burger (because of a recent discovery of mad cow in central california. i admit it: i’m a sensationalist.) my bandaged pinky finger is thwarting my iphone browsing. the iphone may do lots of things but it isn’t smart enough to realize that there is flesh under that band-aid.
thus, i have to resort to either putting down the fries in one hand or the burger in the other. decisions…