Author Archives: j

bread for steve

sent steve, amy, and xander home with this second loaf. i think i let it ferment too long in the fridge but they didn’t seem to complain.


11 nov 14 @ 1425


11 nov 14 @ 1425

photo 115

bar nine

heard about this new coffee place in an april 2014 tasting table newsletter. i was out and about early on a sunday and it was open so i thought i’d check it out. i mistakenly went to helms but it’s south of helms in the shadow of the expo line and right on the edge of a craftsman neighborhood. i’m both surprised and not surprised it gets good business.

decaf latte

decaf latte served on a large communal walnut table by a former intelligentsia barista

latte roaster

probat roaster in background

coffee bar

open warehouse coffee bar

blink and you will miss it…

bar nine
3515 Helms Ave Culver City, CA, 90232

photo 114

we had a total of 4 monarch chrysalises (sp?) on our property this autumn and a couple on our neighbor’s fence. there were a few caterpillars that didn’t make it but it was fun watching the chrysalis form, turn dark, and produce a monarch. you might not be able to tell from my photo dates, but the whole process from formation to release is about 2 weeks.


m wanted me to document all the 70s signage in LA. this is how i started.