Author Archives: j

cilantro lime rice

we’ve tried this before, but this new recipe (not based on any recipe on the internet – based solely on m’s cooking brilliance and acumen (she’s *amazing*!)) is astounding.

m typed this out:

1.5 c rice
2 limes + zest 1 lime
4 cloves garlic
mexican oregano
1/2 tsp cumin
2tblspoons butter
tablespoon grapeseed oil

cook rice

in pot toast cumin. then grind.
melt butter add oil. add zest of lime and 1.5 limes of juice. add oregano. add garlic. have on low for 30 more sec. then turn off. let sit.

in kitchen aid coffee grinder. add cilantro and juice half lime. mix to puree.

once oil mix cooled. add to kitchen aid grinder with cilantro. puree to smooth

mix w cooked rice. add bit more butter. mix and serve.

hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work i go

starting a new phase in my life: driving to pasadena 3-5 days a week. i’m relying on my prius to get me there as fuel efficiently as possible. i’ll become a better driver (i’m writing this in december, actually) but i’ll lose my ability to rank in the top 100 of plug-in drivers listed in the entune app.

dental hygiene

i’ve been so obsessed with my photo a day (although maybe not as much as i should be since i keep missing days) that i haven’t taken the time to actually put words down instead of images. i went to the dentist today and got my teeth cleaned. it was a glorious experience, mainly because i floss and practice good dental hygiene so everyone at my dentist’s office pats me on the back and i leave feeling refreshed and validated. i love getting my teeth cleaned – i wish my dental insurance would pay for it every month or at least every 3 months. the pinnacle of my validation came today when the hygienist asked me if i floss before or after brushing. i said “before” and then proceeded to explain that doing so allows the brushing to clear away all the flotsam and jetsam that the flossing unearthed. she said, “exactly!” see? validated.