Author Archives: j
photo 011
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photo 008
photo 007
photo 006
photo 005
botanical garden
had some time to spare this morning and i just happened to have my camera (!) so i went in search of flora in the UCLA Mildred E Mathias Botanical Garden.
beer slug trap
apparently slugs love beer. they crawl into a cup full of beer, get tipsy, and (i’m sorry) drown. so i made 2 traps today @ 1536. by 1719, slugs were already looking for happy hour. free beer, anyone? (sorry, lcr, but this beer is being put to a good cause, i swear.)
- all you get is foam when you pour into a cup and can’t tip it.
- he quit work early for free beer
- see the other 2 slugs at the bottom? i actually watched the one on the right crawl into the cup!