after watching eva’s pride blossom and then become little peaches (and wondering if the august pride is ever going to bloom – oh, yeah, it’s 2 months behind eva’s pride), august pride is putting forward its first bud. look forward to many more peach blossom photos. come on, bees. come and get it.
Author Archives: j
a long time ago, m bought me the canon a75 digital camera. she gave it to me in october of 2004, our first year in LA. i took photos of everything with that camera that winter. especially succulents. like this lovely echevarria (that will soon have a more permanent home in our front yard).
(i’m not entirely sure this photo is focused like i wanted but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong here. one must remember one’s humble beginnings…)
photo 004
wide angle clouds
photo 003
photo 002
photo 001
seafood csa
m saw community seafood at the santa monica farmer’s market and signed us up for 1 lb of fish every two weeks. today, we picked up pacific red snapper, which is really vermilion rockfish. i was going to saute it and serve it with quinoa pilaf but we decided to make fish sandwiches with avocado, sweet onion, tomato, and m’s mayo/chili/lime/garlic aioli.
- 1.5 lbs
- so messy but so tasty so who cares?
new project
almost a year ago, i was supposed to start my photo a day project. with a new house and a (not so) new wife, i started writing a bit every day and i did indeed take photos almost every day because that’s just what i do, but i’m ready to seriously embark on this photographic journey. now i just need to go biking and practice my guitar every day and i will be doing all the things i want to do with my amazing life.