Author Archives: j


this is the original: Ball Pool

this is the guy who copied the above, didn’t credit him, and even had the nerve to keep the same names of the javascript files: i don’t even want to name him

i’m pretty sure they are not the same dude. i want to write mr. doob and let him know. i want to be a tattle tale. i feel strongly that you should give credit where credit is due. (i put the credits in comments in my code.) maybe mr. doob gave him permission to use his stuff. but he-who-shall-not-be-named was nominated for a css design award. dude, don’t be a d**k.

9:06 a.m.: i did it. i sent him a tweet about the plagiarism. let’s see what happens.

our new light


the title is misleading. this light isn’t new at all. it’s one of the older items in our domicile. it predates our relationship. but it has acquired a new elevated status as the light that is perfect when reflected instead of hideous when used directly. makes me want to set up some still lifes and click click click.

one-way tickets

first the ticket to hawaii. now the ticket to d.c. they both left me with green plants to tend in their absence. i may have to go to therapy for my abandonment issues. i may take the plants with me. i am not expected to return these lovelies but i hope they flourish and that their previous owners may see them again just as healthy as when they were bequeathed to me. i can’t turn away plants. they are good for the soul.


little things

and this is why i like google, even if it is the next microsoft or facebook…

there is a third gender option!

there is a third gender option!

Watermelon gherkins


Saw these at whole paycheck. They come from suzie’s farm in san diego. The large, light-colored ones are soft and taste fishy. The small, dark-colored ones are crunchy and taste like concentrated cucumber or sometimes like watermelon rind. They certainly have the crunch of a watermelon rind. Either way, they are certainly unique. And so darn cute.

clover + decaf

okay, starbucks, you’ve finally done it. you have pi**ed me off. first, you now have the clover and are charging $2.45 for coffee. second, your coffee doesn’t taste better in the clover. third, you don’t do free refills on the overpriced, sh**ty clover coffee. fourth, you don’t brew decaf in the evening. (wtf?!? who doesn’t brew decaf in the evening?!?) fifth, you couldn’t offer me anything except decaf coffee from the clover and charged me $1.75 instead of the $1.40 i was expecting to pay. the only redeeming part of my visit was the tasty pumpkin bread. but i’ve been hunting down more carbs since i finished my bread to soak up all the acidic coffee. blecch.

so i won’t reload my card. it’s not worth the free drink after 10 and the free drink on my birthday. screw your free drink. i will learn to brew coffee for myself before i leave the house (cheaper, tastier). i will make toddy to reduce my caffeine. perhaps i’ll drink more tea. i will not feel quite so guilty about going to places like espresso profeta or, alternatively, getting coffee from subway.


ethiopia guji suke quto is *not* supposed to taste like celery. it is supposed to taste like gingerbread and honey and caramelized sugar. it could even taste like bergamot/earl grey. i don’t know how this happened. the first brew was too weak, didn’t have enough taste. but i could definitely pick out the gingerbread. the second brew was stronger but nothing distinct and i lost the gingerbread. i made this third brew as strong as the second and now it tastes like celery. is this what sitting on the counter does to the beans? the cup is supposed to be “aromatic, delicate and distinct”. m thinks it is certainly distinct – distinctly celery (and a bit nasty).