Author Archives: j
bike log
yesterday: 11.48 miles / 1 hour 10 minutes / 9.7 mph average speed (just trying not to skid out on the sand)
today: 8.26 miles / 51.42 minutes / 9.5 mph average speed (way more pedestrians – it’s a bike path people!!!)
By the time i got home around 1, everything was sunny. But as i looked back toward the ocean, it was still overcast. I bet beachgoers were as surprised to find it cloudy just as i was surprised to find it sunny.
do you need that?
Here’s what i took on my bike ride yesterday:
Nalgene bottle
Camelbak bladder*
Fruit*/balance bar
Dslr w/ polarizer in camera bag
Small towel*
Small notepad*
Bike jersey
DPOA (always)*
Invisalign case*
Bike seatbag w/ tools*
here’s what i considered adding to the aforementioned list but rationality won out and they were left at home:
Bike pump
And here’s what i didn’t use:
The lock, the jersey, the towel, the balance bar, the nalgene bottle, and the sunblock (i pretreated and no further application was necessary)
Here’s what i wish i had:
A basket or rack to carry all my crap
* denotes items brought on today’s ride, along with the following:
Large towel to keep my behind from getting sandy
iPod shuffle (because my iPhone just isn’t enough…)
Point n shoot camera
Flip flops
A nylon bag to keep my bike stuff from getting sandy and for the baguette i’m going to buy on the way home
I considered bringing sunglasses and realized that was overkill. And i again considered the journal but left it at home yet again.
Here’s what i wish i had:
The bike jersey (it’s chilly). Scratch that. I wish i had a jacket and some pants. And maybe my fuzzy squirrel hat.
A basket or rack to carry all my crap (always)
And here’s what i didn’t use:
the small towel (no big deal, it isn’t too big or too heavy and could be verrrrry handy in the right conditions, like, say, a bloody nose)
the iPod shuffle (ok, fine, next time i’ll leave it at home. sheesh.)
Blogging at the beach
beach photojournal
beach culture
is this what they call the dog days of summer? i don’t know about dog days but i watched a small fraction of los angeles happily enjoying the place where they live. i sat at dockweiler beach for a while today to give my legs and back a rest and do some airplane belly watching. i saw people of all shapes and sizes biking. i saw cheap bikes and expensive bikes. i saw families and loners. and i watched quite a few families unpack their vans and trucks with coolers, tents, towels, chairs, and folding tables – getting ready to settle in for a day in the sun. that’s how i would do it…get a breezy tent so you have some shade, maybe take a nap. bring enough vittles for grilling and munching so you don’t have to leave. camp out close but not too close to the bathroom facilities so you don’t have to leave for that, either.
for m
today is gorgeous. sunny. mild. breezy. i considered going to the beach. biking on the bike path. sitting outside with anna at the park. and going swimming at the gym. ultimately, i didn’t do any of those things. i puttered around at home. whereas this might leave me thoroughly unsatisfied, i was perfectly happy today. home is exactly what i needed. and instead of stressing about what i’m *not* doing, i enjoyed my day and decided to do some of the aforementioned things tomorrow, like the good procrastinator that i am not.
time made another impression on me today: i found an item that i packed away over two years ago when we moved to santa monica. this item isn’t special by any means (it’s the coaster to the ingenuitea infuser), but i did spend quite a bit of time looking for it two years ago. i kept looking in our picnic backpack because i vaguely remembered slipping it in a pocket. well, i slipped it in a pocket alright – a most unsuspecting pocket: my camelbak. i chuckled when i found it.
brilliant or stupid?
curriculum vitaes on web design ledger
way back in the day when i first went to look for a web design job, i put it together in quark and implemented gill sans (it wasn’t that popular back then, believe it or not) on cream-colored 60lb paper. i added a few horizontal rules along the top- and right-hand sides and thought it looked like just the right amount of “not done in word.”
i don’t love most of these examples, but they are food for thought. what would my resume look like now? would i use a visual metaphor? would it contain photos? would i mention that i can’t be found on facebook? would i print it on some funky paper? how would i design my online CV?