catch it while you can

yesterday, my neighbor (a company which shall go unnamed), pulled all the plants (to be honest: weeds) along the front of its property. sadly, they pulled the one very robust plant that was growing very appropriately in front and along one of the stuccoed pillars in its parking lot. it was a perfect picture, bright green against dark slate blue stucco, a delicate branching against a solid mass, and growing out of a solid mass. i looked at this plant every day and promised myself that i’d take a picture of it (that’s what i do: take pictures of plants that overcome manmade and/or concrete obstacles). but the plant/weed (pleed?) is now gone. perhaps it left a seed behind (a pleed seed)…

and there’s always the plant growing in the alley underneath a water/sewer (?) drain. should catch it while i still can.

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