Category Archives: posts by j

cilantro lime rice

we’ve tried this before, but this new recipe (not based on any recipe on the internet – based solely on m’s cooking brilliance and acumen (she’s *amazing*!)) is astounding.

m typed this out:

1.5 c rice
2 limes + zest 1 lime
4 cloves garlic
mexican oregano
1/2 tsp cumin
2tblspoons butter
tablespoon grapeseed oil

cook rice

in pot toast cumin. then grind.
melt butter add oil. add zest of lime and 1.5 limes of juice. add oregano. add garlic. have on low for 30 more sec. then turn off. let sit.

in kitchen aid coffee grinder. add cilantro and juice half lime. mix to puree.

once oil mix cooled. add to kitchen aid grinder with cilantro. puree to smooth

mix w cooked rice. add bit more butter. mix and serve.