Category Archives: posts by j
hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work i go
starting a new phase in my life: driving to pasadena 3-5 days a week. i’m relying on my prius to get me there as fuel efficiently as possible. i’ll become a better driver (i’m writing this in december, actually) but i’ll lose my ability to rank in the top 100 of plug-in drivers listed in the entune app.
daily musings
there are others out there that are also doing daily things…
- The Day’s Color (perhaps he uses
the colour bookmark) - Fantastic Man
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dental hygiene
i’ve been so obsessed with my photo a day (although maybe not as much as i should be since i keep missing days) that i haven’t taken the time to actually put words down instead of images. i went to the dentist today and got my teeth cleaned. it was a glorious experience, mainly because i floss and practice good dental hygiene so everyone at my dentist’s office pats me on the back and i leave feeling refreshed and validated. i love getting my teeth cleaned – i wish my dental insurance would pay for it every month or at least every 3 months. the pinnacle of my validation came today when the hygienist asked me if i floss before or after brushing. i said “before” and then proceeded to explain that doing so allows the brushing to clear away all the flotsam and jetsam that the flossing unearthed. she said, “exactly!” see? validated.
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hello? are you committed to this project? (ok, ok, i get it. i can do better.)
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photo 096
staying up too late. too distracted and unfocused and forgetting to take a moment to notice and record it in pixels…is that adequate justification?