farmers market pluots from Arnett farms at the Westwood farmers market on aug 31…Check out the awesome lighting I had in M’s office. Caramel (red w/ yellow flesh): very sweet; very good; like the texture and taste; nicely plummy Cherry punch (purple dusty w/ lenticels and orange flesh): m liked Honey punch (dark purple w/ fewer lenticels and veiny beige flesh): sweet; not as sweet as caramel; very good Honey sherbet (yellow red w/ yellow flesh): weird—not plummy; very good Raspberry delight (dark purple with orange flesh): tastes like apricot; m doesn’t like it texturally
j Post author2017-09-10 at 08:32 These were taken with Sony and then imported into iPhone and cropped. Focus didn’t turn out as well as I expected.
These were taken with Sony and then imported into iPhone and cropped. Focus didn’t turn out as well as I expected.