i’ve decided to bike more. and i’ve decided that whereas san vicente in WH was a treacherous, steep incline, san vicente in santa monica is slightly less treacherous and way less steep. i ventured out today by heading straight north on 17th (hill!) – about 1.1miles, then turning east onto san vicente until bundy – total 2.9miles, then u-turning to travel west until the ocean – total 5.9miles, then back to the light at 26th where i u-turned again and then headed south on 17th to home for a total of 9.8miles. here’s to going to the gym 3x/wk and biking 10 miles/day on non-gym days.
except for the potential dooring and the vehicles flying by at 40-45 mph (the speed limit is 35, people!), i don’t have to worry about dogs on retractable leashes and i don’t have to stop at a stop sign every block. there’s a stoplight @ 7th and another @ 26th and another @ bundy, but there are only those 3 between the ocean and the heart of brentwood. the close proximity and paucity of other rollerbladers and dog walkers and beach cruisers with ipods makes san vicente potentially even better than the oceanfront path (did i really say that?). yes, i did.