So we had a miracle fruit party today. . . yes we are a bit late for the craze, a whole year and a half late, but hey at least we got there. I have to admit it was a very interesting experience. From the ordering to the receiving to the berry eating to the tasting. . . got it from some dude in Florida “miracle fruit man”–exquisitely creative title. . . then I got a ginormous box filled with a block of dry ice and an itty, bitty package. My first thought was, “I paid $130 for that?!?!?!?” Into the freezer it went, freak I almost lost it in there it was so small. Then came the dinner. . . Eugene, Julia, Derek, Wendy, Joyce, Rebecca, Aaron, Kim, Leigh and Tanya all join us for this. . . ehem, miracle. We got the berry and stuck it in our mouth. Rebecca must’ve been really hungry cuz she ate the berry so fast she needed another ;). Eug and Derek got seconds cuz they weren’t sure that it worked. Have to admit, it was pretty amazing. I tried a lemon and it tasted like candy, unsweetened chocolate was amazing. . . but bitter melon was well, still bitter. It did leave me a bit unsatisfied, all that sweet and no sour, it was like all the complexity was gone. It would be nice if it only lasted for 15-20 min. You know, eat dessert (a lemon or lime) and that’s all folks. It would get me to eat fruit. All in all a fun time. . . but guinness is still better as guinness. Some things just shouldn’t be adulterated.
lemons, unripe tomatoes, and sour cream had the most amazing flavor. sour cream was even better than yogurt. should’ve also tried cream cheese. i did eat quite a bit of m’s goat cheese cheesecake. mighty tasty. i could’ve probably eaten 10 tomatoes.