no, this post isn’t about sheryl crow. this is about mac and cheese. whole foods 365 brand mac and cheese. and evaporated milk.
using a portion of a can of evaporated milk that the kl+ml bequeathed to us from their exodus (we were out of milk and didn’t want to use soy, almond or coconut milk), m made the best. mac. and. cheese. ever. the recipe called for 3 tablespoons of 1% milk, but we substituted 1/4 cup of 2% evaporated milk. and then ignored it so it turned into a globby mess. and then added another 1/4 cup of milk. and it magically morphed into thick, creamy, luscious macaroni and cheese that rivaled kraft. there is no picture as every single morsel was devoured with gusto. we could’ve eaten three boxes; it’s probably a good thing we didn’t.