despite our rice cooker’s claim that it can’t make sticky rice, we attempt it anyway. tonight was attempt #2 resulting in excellent rice (i have no idea how sweet rice is supposed to be made or how it is supposed to look/taste so our result seems perfect). the formula so far: 3 hours of soaking (don’t forget to rinse it first!) and then 2.25 “cups” of water. maybe i’ll try 2.125 next time because it was still a little gooey when the cooker stopped. after it warmed for almost 5 hours in the rice cooker, it became less globby as the rice kernels separated from each other and it dehydrated a bit. like i said, i have no idea if this 9 hour rice is the proper consistency, but sure is tasty. we topped it with honey and cinnamon. (sorry, no pictures. i just finished it.)
in other news, we just finished our last true bottle of chinese longan honey. this new bottle is “honey flavored syrup” and tastes more sweet with less longan. sadness. i miss the bees already.