Author Archives: j

when it rains, it pours

(m: that cliché was just for *you*.)

in the past three weeks, i have not only redesigned this blog, but also helped launch one web search tool, two web sites, and one web app. it’s beautiful and so satisfying to see projects run to Fruition. but Fruition is a funny little beast. when projects get to him, you realize that now you need his sibling, Maintenance. suddenly, instead of squashing bugs, you are scouring the project, looking for Tiny Detail and making sure he not only functions but also looks good. you are adding a few pixels of space here, decreasing it elsewhere; you are replacing accented characters with their html entities because you hate it when there is garbage text on a web site and you have Standards. ahhhhh, Standards…there’s a beast that needs a really big cage. really big.


m tried her hand at pork wontons:

  • 1.2 lbs ground pork (note to j: not jimmy dean pork sausage)
  • 4 roasted 3.5″ korean chilies
  • 2″ knob ginger
  • 1/4 bulb garlic
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 packet gelatin dissolved in water
  • 4 white pepper cherries
  • boil for 3m45s ~ 4m15s

homemade wonton broth

yesterday, we made our standard chicken stock.

chicken noodle soup

look at that fat!

today, we made wonton broth from green onion, pork ribs, some whole fresh ginger, and a whole chicken. we could’ve saved the ribs for the soup, but why would we do that when we could eat the tender meat and cartilage with homemade bbq sauce (sriracha, hibiscus simple syrup, soy sauce)?

wonton broth

even before the water starts boiling, the kitchen smells like pork wontons…

ribs + bbq sauce

boiled ribs from wonton broth + homemade bbq sauce

dear sonicare poltergeist

why do you keep trying to talk to me while sitting in your charging base? or just sitting on the counter? or when i try to put you in the hamper (okay, i might understand why you would protest this one…). but, more importantly, why do you do it at 330am?